Long ago, in a land far, far away, the evil queen
banished Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to a fate worse than
death (internet blackout). Grumpy, though usually unpleasant
and recalcitrant about helping others, took pity on poor pasty,
pathetic, and paralyzed Snow. Using his trusty pickaxe, he dug
and dug and dug . . . until he uncovered the place where the
evil witch of a queen had hidden the keys to the internet kingdom.
After years of paralyzing wait,
Snow White and her trusty sidekick, Val
Brown, were finally resurrected from the ether, and once more,
they have their own place to hang out. (Grumpy is now resting
with plenty of ice, a heating pad, Arnica, and Ben Gay, who
is, apparently a very good friend.)
More news will come - SOON. All
good comes to those who wait (unless you're waiting for dinner
and days go by in which case your meal is usually gangrenous
and spoiled.)